
A Message from Our Chairman of the Board, Scott Dunlap

Dear ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ Members,

With the turn of the new year, Melinda Yee Franklin completed her extended 2-year term as Board Chair, and after a vote by the board, she graciously transitioned that responsibility to me for the year ahead. Amid a global pandemic, Melinda’s exceptional leadership was stabilizing and effective. It is with enormous respect and gratitude that I follow in Melinda Yee Franklin’s formidable footsteps.

I am honored and energized by the robust leadership team that surrounds me at the Chamber. Inspiring leaders from a cross-section of industries and businesses of all sizes make up our powerful 56-person board. Our executive committee, which includes the board committee chairs, is comprised of both veteran and new leaders this year. And, of course, there is the incredibly hardworking and resilient Chamber staff, led by our incomparable President and CEO, Rodney Fong. With a team roster like this, the Chamber is built to remain a premier advocate for San Francisco businesses and their workforce, for city residents and visitors alike.

There is much to be done in the year ahead. My personal optimism about all that is possible this year is tempered by our stark civic reality and the profound impact the pandemic has had on all of us – our families, our businesses, and the urban fabric of the city. As an architect, I believe in the essential importance of cities to shape culture, enable personal connections, and create inclusive, meaningful, and memorable experiences for all people. This is the lens through which I will view my work for all of you as the new Board Chair. Resilience and prosperity are the great traditions of San Francisco. It’s time to rebuild and show the world we are still The City that Knows How.

To all of you, the valued members of the ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½, I look forward to connecting with you throughout the year. Hopefully in person, to meet, hear, and learn from each other about what is important in this special city that we all love. There is enormous strength in our combined experience, shared interests, and our broad diversity. Thank you for being part of our community of over 1,000 members. With your continued support, we will do great things for San Francisco.








Board Chair of the ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½

Managing Principal,