
City Hall Check-In: Tipping Point Community’s Chronic Homelessness Initiative

February 17, 2021 | 10–11AM | Zoom

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Join the Chamber and Tipping Point Chronic Homelessness Initiative Director, Chris Block. Chris has deep experience in the field of housing and homelessness. He was the founding Executive Director of Charities Housing Development Corporation in Santa Clara County, where he served for 15+ years overseeing affordable housing development. Additionally, he was a founding board member of Destination: Home, a respected public-private partnership working to reduce homelessness in Santa Clara County. Prior to joining Tipping Point, Chris served as Founding Director of Coordinated Entry at Episcopal Community Services (ECS) in San Francisco and developed first-hand, on-the-ground appreciation for the skills and complexities involved in direct services for people experiencing homelessness.

Tipping Point Community’s Chronic Homelessness Initiative, in partnership with Urban Institute, has developed tracking tools and dashboards to monitor and analyze San Francisco’s progress toward reducing the number of chronic homeless adults 50% by the end of 2022 and the 2,000+ people experiencing homelessness who are temporarily residing in shelter-in-place hotels. Tipping Point will present these tools along with recommendations for achieving greater public data transparency and strategies to meet these two goals.



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