February 11, 2021 | 1–2 PM | ZOOM
Join the Chamber and SFTech Council for a forum on San Francisco Telehealth on February 11. What’s working? Where are the gaps? What will make telehealth better and more accessible in 2021?
In 2020, telehealth became one of the primary means of access to ongoing healthcare management for millions of Americans and for older adults and adults with disabilities in particular. COVID-19 disrupted medicine, forcing an unprecedented pivot in healthcare delivery. Kaiser Permanente, for example, estimates that in 2020 alone 4-5 million patient visits were conducted via video, up from just 100,000 in all of 2019.
Join the SF Tech Council, a multi-sector collaborative focused on advancing digital inclusion for older and disabled adults, at a virtual Telehealth Summit for a discussion with experts in the field for a discussion of how we can leverage telehealth to increase older adults’ access to and connection with virtual care services and their extended care networks.
Panelists include:
- Dr. Graham Walker, Asst. Physician in Chief, Technology and Innovation, KP San Francisco
- Scott Lien, CEO & Co-founder at GrandPad
- Courtney Lyles, Co-founder of SOLVE Health Tech and Faculty at UCSF
- Laurie Orlov, Aging & Healthtech Industry analyst
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