The ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½, representing more than 2500 local businesses, wholly supports Treasure Island as the site for the Lucas Cultural Arts Museum. The Lucas Museum has the vision, programming and financial commitments to compliment the revitalization of Treasure Island by creating a world-class institution that will draw a significant number of visitors, generate economic activity and support regular ferry service. Treasure Island’s already planned redevelopment will transform the man-made tract of land into city view property for an estimated 19,000 residents and include a ferry station, 400,000 square feet of office, retail and commercial space and two hotels. ÌýThe Lucas Museum will jumpstart these planned uses by making Treasure Island a world class visitor destination on day one.Ìý
The Lucas MuseumÌýwould house George Lucas’ collection of cinematic, illustration, comic book and classic art he has been collecting since the 1960s. Exhibits could be rotated over the course of nearly a decade without repeating a single piece of art. The ÎÚÑ»´«Ã½ supports the opportunity to bring this cultural institution to the San Francisco Bay Area, and cement Treasure Island as a cultural mainstay for decades to come.